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How Do You Measure the Size of a Ceiling Fan?

How do you measure the size of a ceiling fan?

As a buyer or homeowner, there are things that go with buying a ceiling fan, and one of the things is to size your ceiling fan.

While this might sound like an old way of doing things but picking the right size ensures that you enjoy a maximum style, performance, and above all, the fresh circulation of cooler air.

The guide is all about giving you some ideas on measuring an appropriate ceiling fan’s size for any space in your home.

how do you determine ceiling fan size


What are Ceiling Fan Sizes?

Ceiling fan sizes are categorized into four: small, medium, significant, and large. The associated blades and size spans can be found in the designer’s specifications.

So, if you are to buy a ceiling fan, it is wise you understand that size plays more than a buying role, it is more of performance and your device’s life span.

And like any other homeowner, the key is to buy something good. This fan will achieve the cooling effect at its maximum while using less operating energy to its motors and system.


Why Should you Measure or Size your Ceiling Fan Before Buying?

Here are some reasons you should know how to measure your ceiling fan about the room size you intend to install your new fan.

  • Improve the fan’s performance

Establishing the right ceiling fan for your home secures the fan’s overall longevity and performance and, as well, the safety and comfort of the occupants.

A wrong-sized ceiling fan or a small fan in a larger room will work thrice or twice as hard to achieve the cooling, resulting in mechanical overheating or a motor burning out.

A larger or bigger fan in a smaller room will generate a considerable cooling effect, causing an uncomfortable amount of cooling airflow.

But if you like replacing your home ceiling fans every few weeks or experiencing a supper freezing like you are in a tornado, select a home ceiling fan that is appropriate or proportionate to your room size is the key.

  • Helps you to buy the right fan

Buying the right fan size helps you achieve maximum air circulation, which is the number one reason you need a fan.

Besides, it is all about having the right ceiling fan in the right space where the fan can deliver cooler air to all parts of the room.

  • Helps you save money

Sizing ceiling fans help you to make a wise choice on the right fan that fits into your space prevents you from spending on unnecessary cost for larger fans or something small that will require extra installation.

If you understand what you need and the room size you wish to install your ceiling fan, then making an unnecessary purchase will be avoided.


How to Measure or Size a Ceiling Fan?

The following steps will instruct you to easily measure the ceiling fan size by yourself:

  • Step 1:

To select or measure the space’s square footage, multiply the width and length of the area in feet or inches.

The value you get should be then subjected to different fan sizes to choose the right fan size to install.

  • Step 2:

The next thing is to size or subject the calculated values from your room.

Standing on a step or a stool, hold one end of the measuring equipment, it can be a tape measure or a ruler measure the fan’s blades to the tip on an already assembled ceiling fan.

  • Step 3:

Check whether the number of the blades is odd or even. If the values or the unit has an even number, say two, four, or any number divided by two, extend the tape or a rule to measure to its end of the opposite blade.

With Odd blades, that is any value that is not divisible by two, numbers like one, three, five, in short, any number that is not even.

Odd blades are measures by holding the tape from the center, unlike even blades where you measure the whole fan diameter.

The value you get is the fan’s diameter, which determines the size the fan should serve.

You can also find more information about the fan’s size online or the manufacture specification on sizing and appropriate fan to install.



Buying a ceiling fan can be easy and straightforward but making a choice on which fan fits your room goes beyond some guides and buying tricks.

The guide has made some sizing approach for your next purchase, keeping in mind the size you buy directly impacts the cooling and the performance of the fan.

And like any other market product, ceiling fans come in different varieties, but this allows you to explore the market and choose the right idea.

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